Thursday, February 28, 2008

posting 3

In the world, there are many fascinating creatures creatures exist, and in this blog, I shall share some information about five animals of this animal kingdom.

Bull Shark

Sharks are known to almost everyone in this world for being dangerous sea creatures, and amongst these sharks, is the species of bull sharks. Known to be extremely aggressive, these sharks hunt along the tropical shoreline, where many people swim, thus, proving a threat to the swimmers there. The bull sharks live in shallow, warm water and are even known to swim up freshwater rivers. Bull sharks, when hunting, head-butt their prey first, then eat on them, hence the name, bull shark. Bull sharks' general lifespan is about 16 years.

American alligators

Part of the reptile family, American alligators can be extremely dangerous. However, despite their ferocity, these reptiles once faced extinction and were protected legally. Fortunately, the protection worked, and now, off the endangered species list, there are about a million of them in the world. However, habitat destruction caused by human activities is now the main threat to these reptiles' existence. The American alligators can be found in the rivers, ponds, swamps, bayous and marshes of the Southeastern United States.They consume practically any animal meat, even the meat of already dead animals. They are great swimmers, with their webbed feet and strong tails which propel them through the water. However, these creatures are clumsy on land.

Spotted salamander

Greatly known for their distinctive bright yellow and orange spots, the spotted salamanders are extremely difficult to find. They are nocturnal creatures, hiding under shelter during the day, and only active in the night.
Spotted salamanders possess the ability of regeneration. Spotted salamanders possess the ability of regeneration. When attacked, these creatures can regrow their limbs, eye glands and even some parts of their brain in a matter of time. Amazing! Spotted salamanders' favourite habitats are moist environments, such as, streams or forests near rivers. They are classified under the amphibian family, like frogs. When laying eggs, the female spotted salamander lays eggs in clusters up to 200. Their eggs hatch after 60-90 day. In the wild, the spotted salamanders can live up to 20 years. Spotted salamanders feed on insects, worms, slugs and spiders. Although the spotted salamanders are not considered endangered species, they are extremely sensitive to pollution and other changes in the environment and might become extinct in this ever-changing world.

Orcas(Killer Whales)

Whales are known to many as huge sea creatures, only eating microscopic creatures and are quite docile, however, these whales are different. Small in size as compared to their other much larger relatives,
Orcas or killer whales, are one of the top predators in the world. Orcas live in the cold Arctic waters. They hunt sea creatures such as, fish,walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks and even some other whales. However, their diet may vary, depending on the season and their location. Orcas hunt and live in pods, like packs of wolves. They herd prey together. These predators do not chew their food; they swallow their prey directly after ripping the prey's meat from the body of the animal.

Polar Bears

Many misconceive these creatures as harmless creatures to be loved, but they are wrong. Lovable, cute and cuddly in appearance, polar bears are actually dangerous creatures. They are the largest of predators and bears. These large creatures live along on sea ice of the Arctic. Polar bears main diet are seals. When the ice of the Arctic melts, the creatures return to the shore. When hunting, polar bears might stalk their prey. In Fall, pregnant polar bears make dens in the earth and give birth to 1-3 cubs. In spring, the young polar bears, along with their mother emerge,and the mother nurse them for about 2 years. In that time, the mother teaches them to hunt and will protect them.

Well, this is some information of the polar bears, killer whales, spotted salamanders, American alligators and bull sharks.
