Monday, February 4, 2008


I was born in 28 January 1996 in Gleneagles Hospital by chance as my family was travelling towards a destination which I am not clear about. There, after being given birth to, I took my first injection, BCG, an injection whichb was last time taken by 12-year old. After leaving the hospital, my parents who were unable care for me as an infant due to their hectic schedule, left me in the care of my grandmother who I am very close to now. During my stay there, I learnt how to talk and crawl and then walk.
In 1998, I went to montesory which is located near Hpps, the school my brother was studying in, and the school I am studying in now. It was for plain convenience that I went to school there. In 2000, I enrolled into Maris Stella Kindergarden, a kindergarden which was renown for producing good primary school pupils then. There, like at other ordinary kindergadens, I learnt the basics of some subjects and socialise with others. When 5, like my brother, I attended swimming lessons from a part-time swim coach who was once a national water polo player, Chinese and English tution.
!n 2002, a memorable incident happened. I was playing catch with the entire class, when suddenly, all of them jumped onto me and squashed me.
In 2003, I enrolled into HPPS as a Primary 1. It was in my P1 class that I gained many friends in my current class, such as Timothy.
When I was a P3, I had one of my most serious injuries. When I was playing badminton with a few classmates, my eye was hit by a companions's racket. Teachers who found out immediately contacted my parents, and my father fetched me from the school to Gleneagles Hospital to get the injured portion of my eye stiched. During that paticular year, I was also struck with a sickness which lasted for almost 2 weeks. I also was infected with a similar illness in Primary 5.
In 2006, I was sent by the school to participate in the Japanese Swimming Gala with 3 of my friends , Leonis, Lo ching and Stanley( I am the slowest swimmer among them. Best timing: 35s)
for team relay and, miraculously, we came in second. In the same year, the same team participated in the annual inter-school swim championship and we actually won fourth prize! When I was P5, We also particpated in the two swim meets and in the Gala, we won second prize and in the interschool swim meet, we won the fith prize. Disappointing. And due to the latter's results, we did not participate in this year's Gala.
Now, I am a P6 student, in 6Initiative and hope to score well in all my exams, especially in my PSLE and will work hard to achieve my goals.